Interested in joining (Omega)?

If you would like to be recruited, please contact a recruiter that is online at the time. Ranked members hold a recruiting license as well as our official team of recruiters. They will host a 2/3 match and grade you based on the following;

  • Deck Quality (out of 10)
  • Dueling Skill (out of 10)
  • Winning adds 7-10 to your total score (2-0 will add 10 and 2-1 will add 7)
  • Losing subtracts 3-5 from your total score (0-2 will take 5 and 1-2 will take 3)
  • Ruling knowledge (out of 10)
  • Side deck choices (out of 5)
  • Attitude during test (out of 5)

You need at least 25 out of 50 points to make the cut.


Make sure you use the strongest deck at your disposal and one that you are familiar with which would make you less likely to misplay during the duel exam.


As for recruiters, meta decks are banned. When hosting a duel exam, you use a good deck but non meta, as your goal isn't just about winning but seeing what your trainee has to offer.